Simple mindset practices + rituals to create more magic

(Without long hours, big effort, or knowing what a quantum leap is)



I mean, all of the successful people you admire say it’s THE thing.

Except... seriously, wtf does that even mean?

It’s not like you’re ANTI-mindset or anything.
You’re definitely an intrigued, open-minded person…
you just don’t get “how” or “why” or, like, WHAT to do.

And that’s annoying, because generally speaking: you’re good at taking action and executing plans, right? But you know that there’s something else that goes into being that next-level successful CEO. While you’ve dabbled in that self-help section of Amazon, maybe even listened to a few podcast episodes, and shared that very “positive vibes only” Instagram post the other day…

You’re still kinda lost with the whole mindset thing.



On Instagram it kinda seems like it’s all about...

💎 Getting pretty crystals and doing something (??!!) with them?
🔥 Sage? Palo Santo? There seems to be a lot of fire?!
🎴 Oh yeah, and whatever the heck those tarot cards are for...?

You’re overwhelmed with where to start and you know there’s got to be a way to bring in some magic… without having to spend hours learning or doing the thing.

I’m about to make this, like, suuuuper simple.

Hi, I'm Kaitlyn.

The joke around here is that I'm ‘just one woo’ and the coach for the "woo-curious". I’m highly skilled at making the intangible tangible, breaking down complex subjects simply, and giving my clients practical tools that create massive shifts.

In fact, most of my clients come into my world with very little knowledge of the power of their minds (they’ve been highly dependent on their ability to hustle and overwork)—and I show them how simple daily work can make their growth more ease-filled and fun.

I’m really good at that because that’s my story too.


While my business is built strategically and intentionally, the biggest thing that’s allowed me to get into action, stay in alignment, and grow with ease has been the inner work.

And I’m sharing it all with you inside Quickie.

These are simple and powerful daily practices that you can do daily around important topics like abundance, ease, disappointment, worry, and more.

If you're…
✧ Someone who doesn't really know how to "do mindset"…
✧ Someone who struggles to stay consistent with their mindset…
✧ Someone who wants to stop depending on hustling 25/8…

Quickie is for you.
My intention is that you feel comfortable and confident incorporating this work into your day and to see the impact of the daily practices I’ll share with you—

Because on the other side of this work?

You feel good, period.

And when you feel good, the work you create in this world, the way you show up for your business, your impact, your income… Those things all grow.

If you’ve felt stagnant with growth and disappointed with results, this is for you.
If you’re ready to actually be excited about your business again, this is for you.
If you’ve been stuck in cycles of overworking and are exhausted, this is for you..
If you want to stop moving the finish line and feeling unsatisfied, this is for you.
If you want to be able to turn off from work and not feel guilty, this is for you.
If you want to cultivate more presence and delight in your day, this is for you.

listen up:


Over the years I’ve created multiple mindset programs to support people and have coached hundreds of business owners with this work—and here’s what I’ve learned…

Simple is better and the compound effect is the difference maker.

That’s the intention behind Quickie.

Instead of giving you a library with hundreds of videos and leaving you on your own, or teaching you everything about how your mind works from A→Z, I’m making this SIMPLE.

You’re getting one concept and practice to focus on for 30 days and together we’ll all complete challenge sprints (and, duh, there will be prizes! We love a reward).


Dive into 12 month-long sprints with:

✧ A Transformative Teaching Workshop
✧ An Approachable Daily Practice
✧ A Workbook With Journal Prompts + Guides
✧ A Short Meditation To Use As Needed
✧ A Bank of Affirmations

We’re digging into juicy freaking topics like: Discomfort, Play, Delusion, Delight, Failure, and so much more.

Plus you’ll get access to our Core Material around Monthly Intentions, Monthly Reviews, Vision Boards, and more to come back to over and over again.


THIS work is what really makes the difference.

More than any specific strategy, tactic, platform, or whatever else you’re fixating on right now. None of that matters if your mind is filled with ideas on why you suck, why it’ll never work, and why it’s all about to fall apart.

I’m giving simple steps to you in bite sized pieces that are a literal no brainer to integrate into your life and business. I’m making it easy to consistently do this work (and that’s what makes the difference).

You’re freaking incredible at what you do and it’s my mission to help you do it AND take care of yourself, AND feel better, AND stop the self-sacrificing bologna.

Here’s what I can promise you: The growth you crave happens when you do THIS work. It’s not about hustling, overthinking, and overcomplicating literally everything.

And the best news? This gets to be quick, simple, and fun.

this work works


Your brain is so good at telling you you need to do more, learn more, work more, etc. but let me ask you this… if that was actually the answer... to what end? Where’s the finish line? When is enough enough?

Instead, let’s try a new approach.

Let me show you the actual daily work (and how to do it so easily and practically). It’s time to take “the woo” and make it work for you—in an easy way (no saging your cat or learning the moon phases required).

This is NOT fluffy self-help or good vibes only or a nice “one day” thing…

This is what breaks that invisible ceiling you’ve put on yourself. This is what lets you take ownership over your life, your business, and your results. This is what takes you to your next level.


Are you the checklist-makin’, fact-findin’, type A (and proud!!!) kinda person that I tend to attract? You’re my people. I know this feels a little… different for you. And I want you to be able to make the most informed, educated, and best decision for you when it comes to Quickie.

Here’s a breakdown:

There are 12 monthly lessons with a 5-15 minute transformative teaching workshop. You cn dive into a new topic each month and this workshop will give you perspective shifts and introduce a simple, quick daily practice or tool to integrate.

There will be a workbook that coincides with the workshop that’ll include journal prompts and affirmations for you to use throughout the month. You’ll also receive a short, easy meditation to use throughout the month, if you’d like.

Then, because I know you love an action item, you’ll show up and do the practice for 30-days. These will be a mix of things to do privately or publicly (that will lead to more visibility, sales, connections, etc.). You can use a tracker I give you, or use your own system. At the end of the 30-days you’ll have a reflection guide and a way to submit for a prize (we love rewards!).

From there, it’s up to you. You might find you want to continue that practice or adapt it or leave it. In time you’ll build up a robust toolbox of tools, practices, and rituals to support you and your business.


You’re probably thinking one of 2 things right now:

Maybe, “I don’t need to look at my mindset. I’m fine, everything is fine, just tell me how to get more time/more followers/more clients/more whatever.” If that’s you, this probably isn’t the best fit, to be honest.

…BUT if you’re the kind of business owner who is thinking…

I’m ready for things to flow easier. I’m ready to increase my confidence, my income, and my visibility. I'm ready to expand how good it can feel. I’m ready to learn the tools and create practices that work for me, no matter what…

Then you, my friend, are ready. I can’t wait for you to hop inside Quickie.

This was made for you.

the word is...


 Frequently Asked Questions

  • You’ll get access to our Kajabi workspace and see the library of challenges to dive into. You get to choose where to start or you can go in order. There are 12 to get you through an entire year!

  • You pay one-time (or a split pay option) and get access to the whole library forever. You can use it just for the next year, but my advice is visit and revisit your favorites over and over again.

  • Literally so small, I know you’re busy. The monthly teaching workshop will be 5-15 minutes (and you can always watch at a faster speed inside Kajabi!) and the daily practice each month will intentionally be something that takes less than 10 minutes to do. I do most of my mindset while I’m brushing my teeth and doing my hair, I get it.

  • It’s all brand new material, yes! And while I’ve created similar offers in the past, this one is even more simple, focused, and poignant. I’ve learned a lot about facilitating this work over the years and this is—literally—the most practical, accessible, and approachable mindset program I’ve ever seen (or created).

  • Send me a DM (@kaitlynskessler)—happy to answer any questions!

business can feel good

Learn simple mindset practices + rituals to create more magic (without long hours, big effort, or knowing what a quantum leap is)

  have a Quickie! →